How can I contact you?

Email is best! authorkellyelliott@gmail.com

What is your next book coming out?

Best way to keep up with that is by signing up for my newsletter, or checking back on the What’s Next page of my website.

What signings will you be at in the future?

You can find out where I’ll be and what I’m to by clicking here!

How do I get signed paperbacks from you?

Right here, on my website! Just go to the store and place your order! 

Can I get an ARC of one of your upcoming books?

I have a promotional page here on my website where you can sign up! You do not have to be a blogger to help spread the word! Click here

Why can’t I find Searching for Harmony or Fighting for Love in paperback?

They will soon be re-released with new covers and available in Kindle Unlimited sometime in 2023!

Will there be anymore books in the Boston Love series?

YES! When? I don’t know. I am trying to work them into my release schedule! But that series is for sure not finished! 

I’m writing a book, will you please read it?

I wish I could, but I simply cannot. For one, I have my own writing schedule that is insane! And, it’s best to find someone you can completely trust (not that you can’t trust me!), but someone who will give you honest feedback on what you’re writing. Also, my advice to you is to NEVER send your manuscript to just anyone. You truly only need the feedback of one, maybe two trusted people. Someone who will be brutally honest with you. Remember…too many cooks in the kitchen and all of that! 

I’m writing a book and need help. Can you tell me how to write a book?

I wish it was that easy. I can’t tell you how to write something that is in your own head. I can tell you this…write for yourself. It’s your story to tell and only you can tell it. Do not write something because you think that is what people want to read. Don’t be a follower…write the story you want to tell. Don’t stop and read it over and over again. Get it all out on paper (on the computer screen if you will), THEN go back and do a read through. Always follow your heart. Do not compare yourself to other writers, and don’t be afraid to follow your dreams! And PAY for editing. 

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Not always. When I was in high school and we read Pride and Prejudice, that was when I knew I wanted to be like Jane Austen. She’s my favorite author BTW. I thought I wanted to write children’s books at first. Once in college one of my professors told me I wrote in circles and would never be a writer. Unfortunately, I believed him. It took me a number of years to build the courage I needed to write my first novel and publish it. In the meantime I filled notebooks with little stories, kept journals, wrote silly newsletters, anything to write. The moral of this story is…never let someone tell you can’t do something. You’ll never know unless you take the jump! 

Where do your ideas for your books come from? 

Oh goodness! They come from everywhere. A song, an overheard story, a dream, my wondering thoughts. My mind is always coming up with new stories. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming since I have the urge to write them all. There are so many stories I’m pretty sure I’ll never get to unless I get super far ahead in my writing schedule. 

Do you have book plates you sell?

I do not sell them, but you are more than welcome to email me at authorkellyelliott@gmail.com to request them. Please include if you want them signed to anyone and the number you need as well as your mailing address.